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Selasa, 06 September 2011

League of Inspiring People - Ricky Setiawan

AGE: 32
CURRENT ACTIVITIES/POSITION: Human Capital Senior Manager/ Author/ Youth Coach/ Public Speaker

Personal Blog:
Twitter: @onlyricky
Facebook: Ricky Setiawan

I met him when we both studied at Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung around 1997. We usually hang out with our Jakartans friends. I knew him even more during our service together in Bidang Pengabdian Mahasiswa pada Masyarakat (BPMM), the social student organization.

Ricky that I know now is quite different from the one I knew during university years. He is way more positive in many aspects, he really does his role as a coach/mentor to others. But one thing that I personally amazed is his commitment to write a book, "Postcard from Heaven", and successfully launched it. I can say that if he told me in 1997 that he would write a book and publish it, he would make me laugh to cry. Well, again, he is different now. I could also say that he is getting more involved in religious events and activities, which I believe make him better as a person. He inspires me, that people could change, and the change could be way better than you expected.

He surrounds himself with other positive people. He seems never judge, and will be willing to help when you need him.

The 15-questions that I asked him.
1. Who is the most influencing person in your life? Why?
Many people influence me in life. If I have to choose one particular person, the person will be my mother. She is the one not only cares about me most but also teach me about discipline, hard work and countless values that I can never pay back to her in my life. Through her life I can understand strength, endurance and hope that essential in my life journey.
2. Tell me about your background. What should people know about you?
Nothing special. I am just ordinary man who has 2 more brothers; one big brother and one little brother. Most people can have the same view that I am a talkative and socially active person when they meet me for the first time. What most people don’t know is I also enjoy my lone moments like reading books (I read 4 books in a month) and music alone without any interruptions. I even go to cinema alone to watch some movie if I want my “Me” time to find strength or inspiration.

3. I understand that you wrote the book "Postcard from Heaven", tell me the reason you wrote the book.
The reason I write Postcard from Heaven (PFH) is because I am disturbed by many facts that people can’t enjoy their journey of life. Many people can’t see that through simple experiences in our ordinary life, there are extraordinary and priceless values that we can share to other and even build other people life. I want people to start to say that they are special when they see their selves in the mirror regardless your income, job status, family condition or other “scars” they’ve been experienced.
It is so ironic we put appreciation and enthusiasm on other people who win Oscars (for they act best as other people) while we can’t celebrate the greatest gift: our own unique life. We are born original. Don’t die as a copy. Enjoy, celebrate and share the value of uniqueness.

4. What is your biggest mistake in life? How do you recover?
My biggest mistake is choosing economy (financial management) as my major since my lack of knowledge ( I am the only scholar in the family so I don’t have people to discussed with) and I don’t understand my passion at the moment. It makes me out-of-perform during my first two years in the college. I can recover because finally I realize the value of getting the things done, even though it’s a major mistake. I recover by putting more focus and having the “hunger” to complete the program as one of the best. If you already read my book, you’ll notice that a girl is a motivator for me at that time 

5. If you were given the ability to turn back time, what time do you want to be back? And what would you do?
I will go back even before high school and chasing my own passion in writing, teaching and human psychology. I start to write since junior high school but since I don’t have any confidence many of my writings are never published. I will choose major in social studies so I can be a better teacher, writer and talent consultant (all things I love to do or my passion) than today.

6. Tell us about your biggest dream, what you do/did to achieve it, how do/did you get there?
My biggest dream is winning a Nobel. A Peace Nobel by providing significant change to humanity, especially in terms of youth education. I will get there by having my own global foundation that cares on youth. Currently I am working with my partner, Billy Boen on local scale (Young On Top). I can see in the future as my career grows, I will have capability to invest in schools and even build own foundation to create a shift paradigm for youth in Indonesia and in many parts of the world.

7. Do you have someone in particular who really inspire you? Tell us why.
Yes, I will say Jesus is the one who really inspire me. From human stand point, His value is priceless. He teaches and practices love as major catalyst in people’s life. He also inspires me about authority, obedience and leadership.
I also inspired by my mentor, Pastor Jeffrey Rachmat. He is a man of integrity who walks the talk and shows many values of leadership and truth needed in this life. He also shows countless opportunity for me to grow through many activities in church and non-church events.

8. What is your turning point in life, the event that change you wholly as a person.
My turning point is back in December 2004. After Tsunami incident, I am so frustrated and confused why God let it happened. Back there, I was a pessimistic person with negative-sarcastic view about the world. My friend took me to the JPCC (where Pastor Jeffrey is the senior Pastor) and I am amazed how Words of God through Bible can be so relevant yet so applicable. I am committed to change my life in leave all negativity and hopeless attitude and replace it by accepting and learning Truth through teaching of Jesus; something that relevant until today.

9. What makes you nervous, how do you handle it?
I am getting nervous before I went to the stage/podium/pulpit for public speaking. It is very hard as public speaker to get agreement from all audience. There is a room of fear being judged and rejected based on your performance in the stage. What I do is more practice and practice before the D-Day. I usually using stopwatch (to monitor my time) and mirror (to practice my style, face and gestures). It works until today.

10. What do you think Indonesia needs the most right now?
Indonesia has all it needs in terms of resources and man power. Indonesia needs better justice system and justice implementation. We need integrity to be practiced more on strategic government entities like House of Representatives (DPR) and many ministries.
I also believe that education is the basic need for EVERY human and it is something that we need to accelerate. No wonder we are not perform as we expect since we have big gap in education system, quantity and quality. Those two areas (Justice and Education) are most important areas that need to be managed at the first place.

11. What is the next invention that you would love to see?
For myself, I would like to see more books of mine are published. I want to make movie about fictional characters that I develop now.
For community, I am longing to see many public spots with development opportunities for all (public library, public sports complex). I’m sick and tired with Jakarta Mall Lifestyle where we spent our productive age in un-productive way (spending and spending with less focus on producing and learning). Currently I am trying to build a public library for people in my area where people can borrow and read great books for free.

12. What is the definition of SUCCESS for you?
Success for me is I can share to people and loved ones. Success for me is I have the opportunity to enjoy it. Success means nothing when you reach the limit (money, career) through corruption and unethical practices. Success means nothing when you have it all but you don’t want to give back to others.
Success means nothing if you have all, if you shared to people but you can’t enjoy because health situation or sick. Success suppose to be so simple, but enjoyable and impactful to others.

13. What would you do differently in your 20s?
As I mentioned earlier, I will chase my passion in writing so I can publish many of my books by now. Get more knowledge and practices in teaching and public speaking. I will try to create a new youth movement to create a better Indonesia. I will spend more on productive activities instead of doing nothing and unproductive ways.

14. Places that you wanted to go, why?
I want to go to Tokyo. Japan always a special place for me. They are nation that turns to be economic superpower though losing massively in the WW II in 1945. They are steel mentality nations, as we can see how they survive and bounce after recent tsunami. Tokyo is the beautiful blend of thousand years heritage of culture and most-advanced and leading technology.

15. Can I have your permission to put your answer in my personal web blog so others could see?
An honor for me. Thanks for a great opportunity to share.

1 komentar:

  1. Very interesting person. He is kind a positive fresh man. Hehehe
